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Author Archives: Christine Flowers

Adopt-A-Creek Volunteer Event with Dry Creek Conservancy and City of Roseville

Join us to cleanup the trail/-creek/riparian corridor at Mahany Park on Saturday April 27th, 2019 from 9 to noon.

Event details and free registration is available through Eventbrite at the following link:

Please download the volunteer waiver  (DCCwaiver w photo) and bring with you to the event.  Participants under the age of 18 need the waiver signed by a guardian.

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Course Registration Open


Registration is open for the Fall Class which will run Sept 5th through October 24th.

More information can be found on the registration page.

The class will be held on 6 Wednesday evenings over 8 weeks, beginning September 5th to October 24th, from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm. Class meetings will be held at several locations in the Roseville and Rocklin area to take advantage of educational resources and locations for field trips. Proposed class dates are Weds Sept 5th, 12th, Oct 3rd, Oct 10th, Oct 17th, and 24th.

In preparation for lectures, all assigned readings from the California Naturalist Handbook, and the UCANR California Naturalist Series publication 8535, “Natural History of the Sierra Nevada,” should be completed before each class where they appear on the syllabus. Evening classes during the course will be a mix of lecture, discussion, and some outdoor exploration. Dress appropriately for the weather – we might have a chance to go outside at a moment’s notice to take a quick field trip to Dry Creek, Secret Ravine or a local park!

Field Trips

There will be four Saturday Field trips that are about 5.5 to 6.5 hours in length. Proposed field trip dates are Sept 8th, 22nd, 29th and Oct 6th. Some trips will start around 7:00 – 9:00 am and end around 3-4 pm and some may start at 11:00 am and end around 5 pm. We will meet at the field trip site and information about when and where to go will be sent out to you before the trip. Participants may not bring guests, children, or pets on any field trips. A schedule will be provided before the first day of class. Field Trips will take place at various locations. All fitness levels are taken into consideration, so the field trips will all be low-impact.


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